Format() is most awaiting function in SQL Server 2011 (“Denali”) most of the developers faces lots of problem in formatting datetime, numeric value and currency. But with the introduction of FORMAT() Function formatting has become more and more easy. FORMAT() function is simple and easy to use and a single function to format numeric, data time and currency format. The best part is FORMAT() function is culture aware.
Lets Explore It
To Generate Following CodeNumber. Series
00001,00002,00004….So On
We Use Replicate Function
Select REPLICATE('0',5-Len('1'))+'1' AS Data
Now With FORMAT() Function
Select FORMAT(1,'00000') As Data
Decimal Format
Showing different decimal format Is very easy with Format() function
Select 1 Id,'.0' as FormtCode, FORMAT(20.5678,'.0') As Data
Union All
Select 2 Id,'.00' as FormtCode,FORMAT(20.5678,'.00') As Data
Union All
Select 3 Id,'.000' as FormtCode,FORMAT(20.5678,'.000') As Data
Union All
Select 4 Id,'.0000' as FormtCode,FORMAT(20.5678,'.0000') As Data
Union All
Select 5 Id,'.00000' as FormtCode,FORMAT(20.5678,'.00000') As Data
Order By Id
Output :
Currency Format :
Select 'c0' as FormatCode, Format(177,'c0') as Format
Union All
Select 'c1' as FormatCode,Format(177,'c1') as Format
Union All
Select 'c2' as FormatCode,Format(177,'c2') as Format
Union All
Select 'c3' as FormatCode,Format(177,'c3') as Format
Currency Format With Culture :
Select 'en-us' as FormatCode, Format(1609,'c','en-us') as Format
Union All
Select 'en-in' as FormatCode,Format(1609,'c','en-in') as Format
Union All
Select 'hi-in' as FormatCode,Format(1609,'c','hi-in') as Format
Union All
Select 'en-gb' as FormatCode,Format(1609,'c','en-gb') as Format
Union All
Select 'ja-jp' as FormatCode,Format(1609,'c','ja-jp') as Format
Union All
Select 'de-de' as FormatCode,Format(1609,'c','de-de') as Format
Union All
Select 'fr-fr' as FormatCode,Format(1609,'c','it-it') as Format
Using Culture With Data Time
Select 1 Id,'English (en)' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','en') AS Format
Select 2 Id,'Franch (fr)' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','fr') AS Format
Select 3 Id,'Hindi (hi)' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','hi') AS Format
Select 4 Id,'Japenese (ja)' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','ja') AS Format
Select 5 Id,'Urdu (ur)' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','ur') AS Format
Select 6 Id,'Gujrati (gu) ' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','gu') AS Format
Select 7 Id,'Bangla (bn) ' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','bn') AS Format
Select 8 Id,'Malyalam (ml) ' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','ml') AS Format
Select 9 Id,'Kannada (kn) ' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','kn') AS Format
Union All
Select 10 Id,'Punjabi (pa)' As FormatCode,FORMAT(Getdate(),'dddd, dd MMMM yyy','pa') AS Format
Output :
So Format() Function is very helpful and provides easy access to different format without putting much effort and writing complex logic.
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